Lyrics by: johnj@umr.edu
hitotsu me no kotoba wa yume
nemuri n o naka kara
mune no oku no kurayami wo
sotto tsuredasu no
The first word was "dream"
From the middle of sleep
Which secretly accompanies
the darkness in my heart
futatsu me no kotoba wa kaze
yukute wo oshiete
k amisama no ude no naka he
tsubasa wo aoru no
The second word was "wind"
Directing my journey
From God's arms,
Fanning wings
tokete itta kanashii koto wo
kazoeru you ni
kin'iro no ringo ga
mata hitotsu ochiru
As if counting
the melting sorrows,
Yet another golden
apple fell
mita koto mo nai fuukei
soko ga kaeru basho
tatta hitotsu no inochi ni
tadoritsuku basho
Not even looking at the scenery,
There is the place yo u're going
With merely a single life,
You struggle to reach that place
furui mahou no hon
tsuki no shizuku yoru no tobari
itsuka kaeru yokan dake
An old magic book;
moondrops; the curtain of night--
Only a premonit ion of meeting someday
we can fly
we have wings
we can touch floating dreams
call me from so far
through the wind
in the light
mittsu me no kotoba wa hum..
mimi wo sumashitara
anata no furueru ude wo
sotto toki hanatsu
The third word was "hum"..
Caught by straining ears
As I softly release
your trembling arms